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DAS video v7 CSIRO version


[Music plays and an image appears of green and yellow coloured paddocks and text appears: Rural Intelligence Platform, DAS, CSIRO]

[Image changes to show a satellite type image of Australia on a computer screen and the image shows the cursor making a selection and then text appears beneath: The first ever platform that shows performance, productivity, risk, yield and climate for agricultural land anywhere in Australia instantly]

[Image changes to show the camera zooming in on an area on the map and then data appears on the left hand side of the map]

[Image shows the cursor making another selection and then the camera zooms in on the map again and information, data and graphs scroll through on the left hand side of the map]

[Image on the left stops on two pie graphs and the image on the right shows patches of the map coloured to match the top pie graph and text appears beneath: It uses AI, machine learning and geospatial technology to make sense of the data with a clarity that wasn’t possible before]

[Image changes to show the same area of the map coloured to match the bottom pie graph and then the image on the left of the screen continues to scroll down to show a third pie graph]

[Image on the right changes to show the area of land coloured to match the pie graph on the left of the screen and text changes to read: Locate a farm anywhere in Australia and see its production characteristics and risk factors instantly]

[Image on the map changes to show a purple bar at the bottom of the map depicting the organic carbon content in the soil and the map area changes colour to match the purple bar]

[Image on the left changes to show data scrolling through again and the map on the right changes back to it’s original colours and text appears beneath: Calculate the risks associated with certain investments or management decisions]

[Image changes to show a white screen with coloured blue and green text: DAS]

[Music plays and the CSIRO logo and text appears: CSIRO, Australia’s innovation catalyst]